Dual Admission

You make the bold commitment; we make the bold promise!

The University of Cincinnati is offering incoming, first-year students dual admission into an associate degree program offered at one of our UC Blue Ash and UC Clermont campuses and a bachelor’s degree program at our UC Uptown campus. Through dual admission, students complete an associate degree at one of our regional campuses with the intent of continuing to complete a bachelor’s degree at the Uptown campus.

You make the bold commitment to:

  • Meet with academic advisor once per semester.

  • Enroll in courses and credit hours needed each semester to progress to associate degree completion.

  • Earn your associate degree while attaining the academic requirements to continue to your bachelor's program.

We make the bold promise to:

  • Support you with 1:1 academic advising and access to student services. 

  • Provide an individualized academic roadmap outlining courses needed to complete both associate and bachelor’s degrees. 

  • Guarantee your spot in a bachelor’s degree program at the Uptown Campus provided you have attained the academic requirements of your program.

We encourage students to meet with the Office of Admissions for information about the dual admissions program. 

How to Apply

In order to enroll in the Dual Admission Program, apply to start at UC Blue Ash or UC Clermont for one of the approved dual admission programs by December 1.

Who is eligible for Dual Admission?

  • First-year college students have not attended another college or university (CCP credit not included).

  • Students who directly applied and were admitted to a participating program at one of our regional campuses.

  • Students who applied to the Uptown campus but were admitted to a participating program at one of our regional campuses.

Applicable Programs

Biology is the study of living organisms and their relationship to their environment. Study can be on the molecular level, the function level, the organism level or the environment level. Areas of study are as wide and varied as life itself. While much of the work of biology is done in research laboratories, some of it is also done in the field — collecting specimens, observing natural behaviors or completing population studies.

View This Program: 

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Applied Science in Biological Sciences

UC Clermont College - Associate of Applied Science in Biological Sciences

Both programs transition to the Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Biological Sciences.

Chemistry is the study of material on the molecular level: how molecules are structured, how they react with each other and under what conditions, how can they be modified and how each modification affects physical properties. There is nothing that chemistry does not affect — from food to medicine, from pollution control to paint formulation, from permanent-press clothes to kitchen countertops. Most of the work of chemistry is done in research, applications or quality-control laboratories.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Chemistry

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Chemistry

These programs transition to the Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Chemistry (BA).

Chemistry is the study of all matter found in living structures, geological formations and human-created products. Chemists explore the molecular structure of matter in order to develop theories about how such structures work and apply these theories to the development of products that range from pharmaceuticals to heat shields.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Chemistry-ACS

This program transitions to the Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Chemistry (BS).

Communication focuses on discourse among people and within organizations and social institutions. Communication faculty members share a distinctive focus on contemporary social problems.  The communication program at University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (UCBA) covers issues of voice, identity, public participation and advocacy/leadership across communication domains including interpersonal, organizational, political, rhetorical, environmental, health, and mediated communication.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Communication

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in Communication

Both programs transition to the Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Communication.

The Public Relations track of UCBA’s Communication program offers opportunities for team-based projects, internships, and active learning experiences. Students are trained to think critically, create strategic audience-centered messages, and develop their oral and written communication skills. Students learn about issues of voice, identity, public participation, and advocacy/leadership across communication domains including interpersonal, organizational, political, rhetorical, environmental, health, and mediated communication. This program equips students with the foundational skills and knowledge to move on to and successfully complete a 4-year degree in Public Relations or Communication.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College: Associate of Arts in Communication: Public Relations

This program transitions to the Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Public Relations.

Criminal justice is an area of public service that employs those in law enforcement, the courts, and corrections at all levels of government, and in both juvenile and adult venues. It is a professional field, interdisciplinary in nature, stressing the major components of the criminal justice system in America.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice

UC Clermont College - Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice: Corrections

UC Clermont College - Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice: Law Enforcement

UC Clermont College - Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice: Police Academy

These programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Criminal Justice.

The Associate of Arts degree in English provides students with a solid foundation in literary studies and creative writing as part of a comprehensive general education. This program also provides students with a seamless transition from UCBA  to the UC Uptown Campus’ Department of English and Comparative Literature where students can work toward a bachelor’s degree or minor in English. Literary studies and creative writing allow students to envision the lives and experiences of others in order to gain perspectives beyond their own. Through this imaginative process, literature and creative writing help students to comprehend human complexity, to empathize with others, and to develop creative solutions to problems. Literature, like any art, is part of the human conversation that seeks to address the challenges we face. 

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in English

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in English

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in English.

Our Environmental Studies program provides an opportunity for the systematic investigation of the natural world and the interaction of humans with their own environment. Environmental issues and conflicts of this century are highly complex and transcend traditional academic disciplines. The goal of the environmental studies program at UC is to provide the interdisciplinary training and conceptual framework required to analyze and respond to the complex and dynamic environmental problems of the modern world.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Environmental Studies

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Environmental Studies

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Environmental Studies.

The Exercise Science program is an associate degree program designed for students who, after obtaining the associate degree, plan to transition to the baccalaureate program in exercise science in UC's College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH). The Exercise Science program at the University of Cincinnati is designed to prepare graduates for a variety of careers in exercise science, physiology, and fitness programming - just to name a few!

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Exercise Science

This program transitions to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Exercise Science.

An understanding of the past is fundamental to an understanding of the present. The analysis and interpretation of history provide tools to evaluate today's institutions, politics and cultures. History is unique among the liberal arts in its emphasis on historical perspective and context. Historians insist that the past must be understood on its own terms; any historical person, movement, idea, law, culture or belief must first be understood by how it came to be that way. Among the liberal arts, History is the discipline most concerned with understanding change. The AA Degree in History is designed to allow seamless transition into the History BA at the College of Arts and Sciences at the UC uptown campus, but can be used as the building block for other majors as well.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in History

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in History

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in History.

Information Technology (IT) is the discipline of using technology (specifically computational devices) to manipulate and organize information. IT professionals provide a variety of job functions that range from installing application software and managing hardware and software to designing complex network and database configurations.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Applied Business in Information Technology

UC Clermont College- Associate of Applied Business in Information Technology (online)

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Information Technology provided student meets academic requirements of program.

The Associate of Arts degree in Liberal Arts provides students with the first two years of the broad educational foundation needed for entry into many fields. The program is designed so that students planning to transfer from Blue Ash College to the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S) at the University of Cincinnati can complete a typical bachelor’s degree with an additional two years of full-time study.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciencwes with a major in Liberal Arts.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics, or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems, and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Middle Childhood Education, L.A./Math

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Middle Childhood Education, L.A./Math

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Middle Childhood Education: Language Arts/Mathematics provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics, or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems, and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: L.A./Science

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: L.A./Science

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Language Arts/Natural Sciences provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn, and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems, and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science Pre-Middle Childhood Education: L.A./S.S

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science Pre-Middle Childhood Education: L.A./S.S

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Language Arts/Social Studies provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics, or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Math/Science

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Math/Science

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Mathematics/Natural Sciences provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: S.S./Math

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: S.S./Math

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Social Studies/Mathematics provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems and develop critical thought processes. Middle childhood educators can teach grades four through nine. Middle childhood teachers help students delve more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary school and expose them to more information about the world. Middle childhood teachers in Ohio usually specialize in two of four concentrations: science, math, language arts, and social studies.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: S.S./Science

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: S.S./Science

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology with a major in Pre-Middle Childhood Education: Social Studies/Natural Science provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Understanding the intricate relationships between neural mechanisms and behavior is an important and fruitful area of contemporary scientific research. Such research allows scientists to learn more about the progression of Alzheimer's disease, the neural basis of addition, and appropriate biochemical treatments for anxiety, just to name a few. Those who graduate with a degree in neuroscience find careers in clinical research, pharmaceutical sales, medicine, and other biopsychological-based positions.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Neuroscience

This program transitions to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Neuroscience.

Pre-organizational leadership is an associate degree program that provides the basic curriculum needed for the first two years of a bachelor's degree in organizational leadership. The program is transfer-oriented and is ideal for the student who wishes to pursue the first two years within a small campus atmosphere. The program provides students with skills and knowledge to perform as effective leaders within organizations and society, combining a liberal arts education and selective business subjects.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Organizational Leadership

This program transitions to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Organizational Leadership.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems and develop critical thought processes. Secondary education is teaching that concentrates on grades seven through twelve. Secondary school teachers help students delve even more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary and middle school, and continue exposing them to more information about the world. Secondary school teachers specialize in a specific subject, such as English, Spanish, mathematics, history or biology.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Chemistry

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Chemistry

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Secondary Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

The secondary education program prepares candidates to teach English/Language Arts to adolescents and young adults in grades 7 to 12. This one-year, non-degree, transition program allows students to start their education at UCBA before transitioning to the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services to finish their Bachelor's degrees. The Bachelor of Science degree blends course work, field experience, and internships to develop teachers who can meet the challenges and changing needs of schools and communities.

View This Program:

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in Secondary Education: L.A.

This program transitions to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Secondary Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

An integrated science license with an emphasis in Life Science/Biology prepares students to teach all science subject areas in grades 7 -12 in Ohio schools. Students who select a Life Science/Biology emphasis to take courses in zoology, genetics, ecology, and biology electives of their interest to develop expertise in teaching modern theories of biology and laboratory experiences as well as address contemporary issues in science such as climate change and biomedical research ethics. 

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Life Science

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Life Science

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Secondary Education: Life Sciences provided student meets academic requirements of program.

The secondary education program prepares candidates to teach Mathematics to adolescents and young adults in grades 7 to 12. This one-year, non-degree, transition program allows students to start their education at UCBA before transitioning to the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services to finish their Bachelor's degrees. The Bachelor of Science degree blends course work, field experience, and internships to develop teachers who can meet the challenges and changing needs of schools and communities.

View This Program:

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Math

This program transitions to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Secondary Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Education is the profession of teaching. Teachers act as coaches, using interactive discussions and “hands-on” approaches to help students learn and apply concepts in subjects such as science, mathematics or English. They provide the tools and the environment for their students to learn abstract concepts, solve problems and develop critical thought processes. Secondary education is teaching that concentrates on grades seven through twelve. Secondary school teachers help students delve even more deeply into subjects introduced in elementary and middle school, and continue exposing them to more information about the world. Secondary school teachers specialize in a specific subject, such as English, Spanish, mathematics, history or biology.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Social Studies, History

UC Clermont College - Associate of Science in Secondary Education: Social Studies, History

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Secondary Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

The Pre-Special education program prepares you to work with students in grades K-12. Special educators collaborate to make curriculum accessible and build inclusive settings. As an aspiring special education teacher, this program will help you to understand the complex human and social factors involved in educating children with diverse characteristics, as well as practices that support inclusion and lifelong learning.

View This Program: 

UC Clermont College – Associate of Science in Special Education: Language Arts and Math

This program transitions to the Uptown Campus’ College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Special Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

The Pre-Special education program prepares you to work with students in grades K-12. Special educators collaborate to make curriculum accessible and build inclusive settings. As an aspiring special education teacher, this program will help you to understand the complex human and social factors involved in educating children with diverse characteristics, as well as practices that support inclusion and lifelong learning.

View This Program:

UC Clermont College – Associate of Science in Special Education: Language Arts and Natural Science

This program transitions to the Uptown Campus’ College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Special Education provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Pre-Sport Administration is an associate degree program that provides the basic curriculum needed for the first two years of a bachelor's degree in Sport Administration. The program is transfer-oriented and is ideal for the student who is considering an upper-level management career but who wishes to pursue the first two years within a small campus atmosphere. The program is designed so students can earn an associate of arts degree and transfer to the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH) at the University of Cincinnati Uptown campus. The Sport Administration curriculum focus is on the business side of the sport industry and was developed to meet the standards of the Sport Management Program Review Council. The Sport Administration program provides graduates with a strong technical foundation and the business skills necessary to successfully enter the field of sport management.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Sports Administration

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in Sports Administration

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with a major in Sports Administration provided student meets academic requirements of program.

Psychology is the study of behavior and mental processes. Psychologists can be found doing a wide range of work, including counseling and therapy, research in the many subfields of psychology, and teaching; others can be found in private industry in human resources departments, focusing on psychology in the workplace. Students in this transfer program may continue their studies to obtain a bachelor's degree. These graduates look forward to such career options as career counselor, community support worker, family services worker, human relations director, marketing representative, laboratory assistant, etc.

View This Program:

UC Blue Ash College - Associate of Arts in Psychology

UC Clermont College - Associate of Arts in Psychology

Both programs transition to Uptown campus' College of Arts & Sciences with a major in Psychology.

  • One UC: No matter who you are, how you learn, or what you're looking for in a college experience - UC has you covered. With three unique campus locations, 13 academic colleges, and over 400 majors to choose from, UC can help you discover your ideal academic path. 

  • UC Blue Ash and UC Clermont offer low tuition: Tuition averages under $7,000 per year for in-state students.  

  • UC Blue Ash and UC Clermont offer small class sizes: This helps you get to know your professors and classmates, so your education is more personal.

  • Tuition Guarantee: The Cincinnati Tuition Guarantee sets tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board at a consistent rate for up to four or five years depending on the length of a student's academic program.  Tuition rates and fees are based on your university entry term and vary by campus and college of enrollment.  

  • The Bearcat Experience: You have access to student services and activities at each campus.

  • Convenient locations: UC Blue Ash is in the heart of the City of Blue Ash, a Cincinnati suburb that is easy to access from I-71, I-75, I-275 and Cross County Hwy. UC Clermont is conveniently located in Batavia Township, in the center of Clermont County, just off State Route 32 and five miles from I-275.

Contact Information

Admissions Office
Phone: 513-556-1100
Email: admissions@uc.edu